Shunsuke Koseki, Omid Mohseni, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Andre Seyfarth, Maziar A. Sharbafi, Concerted Control: Modulating Joint Stiffness Using GRF for Gait Generation at Different Speeds, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 10, 10.1109/lra.2025.3542703 (2025) new!
Shura Suzuki, Kosuke Matayoshi, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, and Dai Owaki, Foot trajectory as a key factor for diverse gait patterns in quadruped robot locomotion, Scientific Reports, 10.1038/s41598-024-84060-5 (2025) new!
Taku Sugiyama, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, Elijah Almanzor, Fumiya Iida, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Versatile graceful degradation framework for bio-inspired proprioception with redundant soft sensors, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 10.3389/frobt.2024.150465 (2025) new!
Lucas Sulpice, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Footstep reward for energy-efficient quadruped gait generation and transition through deep reinforcement learning, Advanced Robotics, 10.1080/01691864.2024.2442718 (2024) new!
Kyo Kutsuzawa, Minami Matsumoto, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Learning-based object’s stiffness and shape estimation with confidence level in multi-fingered hand grasping, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, 18, 10.3389/fnbot.2024.1466630 (2024) new!
Takumi Matsumura, Eiji Inomata, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Muscle Control Analysis of Human Walking and Cycling in Speed and Load Variations with Time-Varying Synergy, IEEE Sensors Journal, 10.1109/jsen.2024.3486294 (2024) new!
Amged Elsheikh Abdelgadir Ali, Dai Owaki, and Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Transferable Deep Learning Models for Accurate Ankle Joint Moment Estimation during Gait Using Electromyography, Applied Science, 14, 10.3390/app14198795 (2024) new!
Akito Fukunishi, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, and Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Synergy quality assessment of muscle modules for determining learning performance using a realistic musculoskeletal model, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 18, 10.3389/fncom.2024.1355855 (2024)
Keita Honda, Yusuke Sekiguchi, Dai Owaki, Ryusuke Okamoto, Shino Inuzuka, Norihiro Morimoto, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Effects of ankle-foot orthosis with dorsiflexion resistance on the quasi-joint stiffness of the ankle joint and spatial asymmetry during gait in patients with hemiparesis, Clinical biomechanics, 115, 10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2024.106263 (2024)
Yusuke Sekiguchi, Dai Owaki, Keita Honda, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Satoru Ebihara, Differences in kinetic factors affecting gait speed between lesion sides in patients with stroke, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 12, 10.3389/fbioe.2024.1240339, (2024)
Shunsuke Koseki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Dai Owaki, Identifying essential factors for energy-efficient walking control across a wide range of velocities in reflex-based musculoskeletal systems, PLOS Computational Biology, 20(1) e1011771, (2024)
Kenya Tada, Yuhei Sorimachi, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Integrated Quantitative Evaluation of Spatial Cognition and Motor Function with HoloLens Mixed Reality, Sensors 24(2) 528, 10.3390/s24020528 (2024)
Yan Guo, Yonatan Hutabarat, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Speed-Variable Gait Phase Estimation During Ambulation via Temporal Convolutional Network, IEEE Sensors Journal, 1(1), 10.1109/JSEN.2023.3343721 (2023)
Dai Owaki, Volker Dürr, Josef Schmitz, A hierarchical model for external electrical control of an insect, accounting for inter-individual variation of muscle force properties, eLife 12, 10.7554/elife.85275, (2023)
Ryo Sugai, Shintaro Maeda, Ryosuke Shibuya, Yusuke Sekiguchi, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Dai Owaki, LSTM Network-Based Estimation of Ground Reaction Forces During Walking in Stroke Patients Using Markerless Motion Capture System, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, 10.1109/tmrb.2023.3310196, (2023)
Taku Sugiyama, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Latent Representation-Based Learning Controller for Pneumatic and Hydraulic Dual Actuation of Pressure-Driven Soft Actuators, Soft Robotics, 10.1089/soro.2022.0224, (2023)
Wataru Sato, Jun Nishii, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, and Dai Owaki, Morphological Characteristics That Enable Stable and Efficient Walking in Hexapod Robot Driven by Reflex-based Intra-limb Coordination, IEEE ICRA2023, 10.1109/icra48891.2023.10161107, (2023)
Christopher Herneth, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, and Dai Owaki, Learnable Tegotae-based Feedback in CPGs with Sparce Observation Produces Efficient and Adaptive Locomotion. IEEE ICRA2023, 10.1109/icra48891.2023.10160571, (2023)
Minh Tat Nhat Truong, Amged Elsheikh Abdelgadir Ali, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, EMG-Based Estimation of Lower Limb Joint Angles and Moments Using Long Short-Term Memory Network, Sensors 23(6), 3331-3331, 10.3390/s23063331, (2023)
Sei-ichi Sakamoto, Yonatan Hutabarat, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Ground Reaction Force and Moment Estimation through EMG Sensing Using Long Short-Term Memory Network during Posture Coordination, Cyborg and Bionic Systems, 4, 10.34133/cbsystems.0016, (2023)
Shunsuke Koseki, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, and Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Multimodal Bipedal Locomotion Generation with Passive Dynamics via Deep Reinforcement Learning, Front. Neurorobo, 16, 10.3389/fnbot.2022.1054239, (2023)
Yusuke Sekiguchi, Dai Owaki, Keita Honda, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Kinetic Interjoint Coordination in Lower Limbs during Gait in Patients with Hemiparesis, Biomechanics, 2(3), 10.3390/biomechanics2030036, (2022)
Yuchen Wang, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Dai Owaki, Prediction of Whole-body Velocity and Direction from Local Leg Joint Movements in Insect Walking via LSTM Neural Networks, 7(4), 9389 – 9396, 10.1109/LRA.2022.3191850, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter (IROS option), (2022)
Dai Owaki and Volker Dürr, Motion Hacking –Understanding by Controlling Animals–, J. Robot. Mechatron. 34(2) 301-303, 10.20965/jrm.2022.p0301, (2022)
Dai Owaki, Poramate Manoonpong, Amir Ayali, Editorial: Biological and Robotic Inter-Limb Coordination, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 9, 10.3389/frobt.2022.875493, (2022)
Dai Owaki, Yusuke Sekiguchi, Keita Honda, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Two-Week Rehabilitation with Auditory Biofeedback Prosthesis Reduces Whole Body Angular Momentum Range during Walking in Stroke Patients with Hemiplegia: A Randomized Controlled Trial, Brain Sciences, 11(11), 1461-1461, 10.3390/brainsci11111461 (2021)
Yusuke Sekiguchi, Keita Honda, Dai Owaki, Shin-Ichi Izumi, Classification of Ankle Joint Stiffness during Walking to Determine the Use of Ankle Foot Orthosis after Stroke, Brain Sciences 11(11) 1512-1512, 10.3390/brainsci11111512 (2021)
Katsumi Naya, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Spiking Neural Network Discovers Energy-Efficient Hexapod Motion in Deep Reinforcement Learning, IEEE Access, Vol.9, 150345-150354,, (2021)
Taku Sugiyama, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe,Individual deformability compensation of soft hydraulic actuators through iterative learning-based neural network, Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 16(5) 056016-056016, 10.1088/1748-3190/ac1b6f (2021)
Dai Owaki, Shun-ya Horikiri, Jun Nishii, Akio Ishiguro, Tegotae-Based Control Produces Adaptive Inter- and Intra-limb Coordination in Bipedal Walking, Frontiers in Neurorobotics, Vol. 15,, (2021)
Riccardo Zamboni, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Adaptive and Energy-Efficient Optimal Control in CPGs Through Tegotae-Based Feedback, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol. 8,, (2021)
Tao Sun, Xiaofeng Xiong, Zhendong Dai, Dai Owaki, Poramate Manoonpong, A Comparative Study of Adaptive Interlimb Coordination Mechanisms for Self-Organized Robot Locomotion, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Vol. 8, (2021)
Dai Owaki, Hitoshi Aonuma, Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Akio Ishiguro, Leg amputation modifies coordinated activation of the middle leg muscles in the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus, Scientific Reports, Vol. 11, 1327,, (2021)
Ryota Yanagisawa, Shunsuke Shigaki, Kotaro Yasui, Dai Owaki, Yasuhiro Sugimoto, Akio Ishiguro, Masahiro Shimizu, Wearable Vibration Sensor for Measuring the Wing Flapping of Insects, Sensors Vol. 21, No. 593, 10.3390/s21020593, (2021)
Yonatan Hutabarat, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Quantitative Gait Assessment with Feature-Rich Diversity Using Two IMU Sensors, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, Vol.2, pp.639-648,, (2020)
Yusuke Sekiguchi, Dai Owaki, Keita Honda, Kenichiro Fukushi, Noriyoshi Hiroi, Takeo Nozaki, Shin-ichi Izumi, Ankle–foot orthosis with dorsiflexion resistance using spring-cam mechanism increases knee flexion in the swing phase during walking in stroke patients with hemiplegia, Gait & Posture, Vol. 81, pp. 27-32, (2020)
Koichi Osuka, Tetsuya Kinugasa, Ryota Hayashi, Koji Yoshida, Dai Owaki, Akio Ishiguro, Centipede type robot i-centipot: From machine to creatures, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.31, 723-726, (2019)
Akira Fukuhara, Dai Owaki, Takeshi Kano, Ryo Kobayashi, and Akio Ishiguro, “Spontaneous gait transition to high-speed galloping by reconciliation between body support and propulsion”, Advanced Robotics, vol. 32 , pp. 794-808,, (2018)
Yusuke Sekiguchi, Takayuki Muraki, Dai Owaki, Keita Honda, Shin-Ichi Izumi, “Regulation of quasi-joint stiffness by combination of activation of ankle muscles in midstances during gait in patients with hemiparesis”, Gait & Posture, vol. 62, pp. 378-383, https:/ (2018) IF2016=2.347
Dai Owaki, Masashi Goda, Sakiko Miyazawa, and Akio Ishiguro, “A Minimal Model Describing Hexapedal Interlimb Coordination: the Tegotae-based Approach”, Front. Neurorobot., vol.11:29, hppts:// (2017) IF2016=2.486.
Takeshi Kano, Kazuhiko Sakai, Kotaro Yasui, Dai Owaki, and Akio Ishiguro, “Decentralized control mechanism underlying interlimb coordination of millipedes,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 12, no. 3, (2017) IF2016 = 2.939.
Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro, “A Quadruped Robot Exhibiting Spontaneous Gait Transitions from Walking to Trotting to Galloping,” Scientific Reports, vol. 7:277,, (2017) IF2016 = 4.259.
Kotaro Yasui, Kazuhiko Sakai, Takeshi Kano, Dai Owaki, and Akio Ishiguro, “Decentralized control scheme for myriapod robot inspired by adaptive and resilient centipede locomotion,” PLOS ONE, 12.2:e0171421, (2017) IF2016 = 2.806.
Dai Owaki, Yusuke Sekiguchi, Keita Honda, Akio Ishiguro, and Shin-ichi Izumi, “Short-Term Effect of Prosthesis Transforming Sensory Modalities on Walking in Stroke Patients with Hemiparesis”, Neural Plasticity, (2016) IF2016 = 3.586.
Arito Yozu, Nobuhiko Haga, Tetsuro Funato, Dai Owaki, Ryosuke Chiba, and Jun Ota, “Hereditary sensory and autonomic neuropathy types 4 and 5: review and proposal of a new rehabilitation method”, Neuroscience Research, vol. 105, pp. 105-111, (2015).
Takeshi Kano, Dai Owaki, and Akio Ishiguro, “A Simple Measure for Evaluating Gait Patterns during Multi-Legged Locomotion”, The SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, vol.7, pp. 214-218, (2014).
Dai Owaki, Koichi Osuka, and Akio Ishiguro, “Stabilization Mechanism underlying Passive Dynamic Running”, Advanced Robotics, vol. 27, pp. 1399-1407, (2013).
Dai Owaki, Takeshi Kano, Kou Nagasawa, Atsushi Tero, and Akio Ishiguro, “Simple Robot Suggests Physical Interlimb Communication Is Essential for Quadruped Walking”, Journal of Royal Society Interface, vol. 10, (2012) IF2016=3.579.
Dai Owaki, Satoshi Ishida, Atsushi Tero, Kentaro Ito, Koh Nagasawa, and Akio Ishiguro, “An Oscillator Model That Enables Motion Stabilization and Motion Exploration by Exploiting Multi-rhythmicity”, Advanced Robotics, vol.25, pp.1139-1158, (2011).
Dai Owaki, Masatoshi Koyama, Shin’ichi Yamaguchi, Shota Kubo, and Akio Ishiguro, “A Two-Dimensional Passive Dynamic Running Biped with Elastic Elements”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, vol.27, pp.156-162, (2011) IF2015=2.028.
大脇大,坂井善行,石田怜,手老篤史,石黒章夫,“運動安定化と運動探索をシームレスに統合可能なマルチリズミックオシレータモデルの提案 -一次元ホッピングロボットの跳躍運動への適用-”,計測自動制御学会論文集,vol. 46, 562-571, (2010).
Dai Owaki and Akio Ishiguro, “Mechanical Dynamics That Enables Stable Passive Dynamic Bipedal Running -Enhancing Self-Stability by Exploiting Nonlinearity in the Leg Elasticity-”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, vol. 19, pp. 374-380, (2007).
大脇大,志垣俊介,青沼仁志,運動・感覚・脳への介入から紐解く昆虫の適応能, 日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.42, No. 8, pp.725-731, 10.7210/jrsj.42.725 (2024) new!
Yuchen Wang, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, and Dai Owaki, Data-Driven Policy Learning Methods from Biological Behavior: A Systematic Review, Applied Sciences 14(10): 4038, 10.3390/app14104038 (2024) new!
大脇大,手応え制御から創発される多様な脚式ロコモーション,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.41, No.3,pp.241-246, 10.7210/jrsj.41.241 ,(2023)
Yonatan Hutabarat, Dai Owaki, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, Recent Advances in Quantitative Gait Analysis Using Wearable Sensors: A Review, IEEE Sensors Journal 21(23) 26470-26487, 10.1109/jsen.2021.3119658 (2021)
Wei Zhu, Xian Guo, Dai Owaki, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, A Survey of Sim-to-Real Transfer Techniques Applied to Reinforcement Learning for Bioinspired Robots, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 1-16, 10.1109/tnnls.2021.3112718 (2021)
大脇大,動物の歩容を再現する四脚ロボット,日本ロボット学会誌,Vol.37, pp. 14-19,, (2019)
大脇大,脚を切られても歩きつづける昆虫とロボット,昆虫と自然,Vol. 54, pp. 31-34 (2019)
大脇大,”脚式ロコモーションに内在する制御メカニズムの解明を目指して”,日本神経回路学会誌,Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 162-171, (2017).
大脇大,関口雄介,本田啓太,”モデルベーストリハビリテーションの基盤となるロボティクス技術 ー医工学連携研究を効果的に推進するための「マナー」と「コツ」ー”,日本ロボット学会誌, vol. 35, pp.29-34, (2017).
大脇大,石黒 章夫,“ミニマルなCPGモデルから探る四脚動物の脚間協調メカニズム”,計測と制御,vol. 54, pp. 272-277, (2015).
大須賀公一,石黒章夫,鄭心知,杉本靖博,大脇大,“制御系に埋め込まれた陰的制御則が適応機能の鍵を握る!?”,日本ロボット学会誌, vol. 28, pp. 123-134, (2010).
石黒章夫,大脇大,“ウェルバランスト・コントロールを目指して 〜受動歩行機械を起点とした一考察〜”,システム/制御/情報, vol. 49, pp. 417-422, (2005).
Invited talk
Dai Owaki, Motion Hacking: Understanding by Controlling Jellyfish Pulsatile Locomotion, Symposium: Adaptive behavior and its ecological foundations 2025, Kobe, Japan (2025.2.21) new!
Dai Owaki, A Jellyfish Cyborg Exploiting Natural Embodied Intelligence, SWARM2024 in September, Workshop on EMBODIED LOCOMOTION MECHANISMS IN ANIMALS AND ROBOTS: FROM MORPHOLOGICAL TO NEURAL COMPUTATIONS, Kyoto, Japan (2024.9.17.) new!
Dai Owaki and Hitoshi Aonuma, Post-amputation Gait Recovery with Prosthetic Legs in the Cricket – a Robotics-inspired Approach, International Congress on Entomology, Kyoto, Japan (2024.8.30.) new!
大脇大,脳卒中患者のデータ駆動型AI歩行診断システムの開発と展望,第20回日本神経理学療法学会学術大会 (2022.10.15.)
Dai Owaki, Robotic and Biological Interlimb Coordination, Dynamic Walking 2021, On-line, Episode II: (Neural)Control (2021.6.11)
大脇大,”片麻痺患者の歩行の運動学的理解に基づくモデルベースト・リハビリテーション”,日本臨床神経生理学会学術大会 第50回記念大会「シンポジウム18:片麻痺の歩行障害の運動学的理解と歩行訓練 」,京都(オンライン併催)(2020.11.28)
Dai Owaki, “Long-term Effect of Auditory Biofeedback Prosthesis on Walking in Stroke Patients”, The 2nd International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS 2018), Osaka, Japan, (2018.12.7)
大脇大,”昆虫を創りたい!? -ロボット工学の限界と可能性-”,日本比較生理生化学会 第39回福岡大会 若手の会「秋の合宿」,福岡(2017.11.24)
D. Owaki, “Inter and intralimb coordination for adaptive bipedal walking: Tegotae-based approach”, SWARM2017 Workshop on Bio-inspired control for interlimb coordination and adaptation in legged robots, Kyoto, Japan (2017.10.29)
大脇大,”ロボティクス技術がもたらすモデルベースト・リハビリテーション基盤”,第2回「身体性システム」公開シンポジウム,三田 (2017.10.14)
D. Owaki, Y. Sekiguchi, K. Honda, N. Aizu, Y. Oouchida, A. Ishiguro, and S. Izumi, “Walking Rehabilitation Using Auditory Biofeedback Prosthesis for Stroke Patients,” The 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2017) , (2017. 6. 27)
大脇大,“班間連携による筋シナジーベーストリハビリテーションに向けた取り組み”,身体性システム講演会,東京(2016. 9.15)
D. Owaki and A. Ishiguro, “A Minimal CPG Model for Interlimb Coordination on Quadruped Locomotion”, Workshop on ICRA2015, Seattle, USA (2015.5.30).
D. Owaki, “Load-dependent Interlimb Coordination”, Workshop on Living Machines 2014, Milano, Italy (2014.7.29).
M. Azizi and D. Owaki, “The role of passive properties in producing adaptive motion in robotic and biological systems”, The 6th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2013), Darmstadt, Germany (2013.3.13).
D. Owaki, “A CPG-based Decentralized Control by Exploiting Spontaneous Transition between Oscillatory and Excitatory Regimes”, Dynamic Walking 2011, Jena, Germany (2011.7.21).
Dai Owaki, “Toward Understanding the Stabilization Mechanism underlying Passive Dynamic Running”, Lab Talk at Locomotion Lab.(Lauflabor), Freidrich Shiller University of Jena, Germany (2009.9.25).
大脇大,“受動歩行・受動走行から探る二脚ロコモーションに内在するImplicit Control Law”,第1回ロコモーション研究会,京都 (2009.4.25).
大脇大,“受動歩行と受動走行に内在する力学的共通原理”,第135回複雑系セミナー,札幌 (2009.4.10).
IEEE MHS2024 Best Paper Award (2024.11.24)(連名)new!
2024年システム・情報部門 SSI優秀発表賞(2024.11.15)(連名,最終著者)new!
IEEE MHS2021 Best Paper Award (2021.12.8)(連名,最終著者)
SENDAI NEW PUBLIC NTTグループ賞 (2021.5.19)
第21回計測自動制御学会(SICE)システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2020) 優秀講演賞 (2020.12.25)(連名)
東北大学 ディスティングイッシュトリサーチャー(2020.5.〜)
令和2年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞 (2020.4.7)
横幹連合 横幹連合「木村賞」(2018.4.27)(連名)
計測自動制御学会関西支部技術賞 (2018.2.1)(連名)
第18回計測自動制御学会(SICE)システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2017) 優秀講演賞 (2017.12.23)(連名)
第22回青葉工学研究奨励賞 (2016.12.2)
第16回計測自動制御学会(SICE)システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2015) 優秀講演賞 (2015.12.16)(連名)
IEEE MHS2015 Best Poster Award (2015.11.25)(連名,筆頭著者)
サイエンスアゴラ2014 リスーピア賞 (2014.12.24)
CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award (Highly Commended paper award) (2014.7.22) (連名,筆頭著者)
トーキン財団奨励賞 (2014.3.4)
IEEE/RSJ IROS2012 JTCF Novel Technology Paper Award for Amusement Culture Finalist (2012. 10. 11) (連名,筆頭著者)
日本ロボット学会 第24回研究奨励賞 (2009.9.16)
第9回計測自動制御学会(SICE)システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2008) 優秀講演賞 (2008.12.7)(連名)
SICE Annual Conference Young Author’s Award (SICE2008) (2008.8.22)
Finalist in the SICE Annual Conference International Award (SICE2008) (2008.8.22)
2008 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award (ICRA’08) (2008.5.21)
第7回計測自動制御学会(SICE)システムインテグレーション部門講演会(SI2006) 優秀講演賞 (2006.12.16)(連名,筆頭著者)
基盤研究(A)「昆虫の感覚・運動・脳への介入による身体周辺空間操作から紐解く環境適応メカニズム」(2023年度-2026年度) new!
挑戦的研究(萌芽) 「Motion Hackingによるクラゲの浮遊運動の理解と制御」(2023年度-2025年度)new!
新学術領域研究 (研究領域提案型) 「Motion Hackingにより紐解く昆虫のしなやかな歩行制御戦略 」(2021年度-2022年度)
挑戦的研究(萌芽) 「慢性期脳卒中患者における麻痺肢の学習性不使用を制御するリハビリシステム創成」(2019年度-2021年度)
国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化) 「Motion Hacking:昆虫の歩行を司る脚間協調機序を紐解く介入法の開拓」(2018年度-2020年度)
特別研究員奨励費「ハーネシングに着想を得た創発的動歩行制御 -パルス化CPGを用いた適応的歩行生成-」(2007年度-2008年度)
独立行政法人新エネルギー・産業技術開発機構(NEDO) 次世代ロボット中核技術開発 「生物ロコモーションの本質理解から切り拓く大自由度ロボッ トの革新的自律分散制御技術」研究代表者:石黒章夫 (2015年度-2016年度)
JKA, 「超省エネクラゲバイオハイブリッドロボットの技術開発」補助事業 (2024年度)new!
立石科学技術振興財団,研究助成(A)「Motion Hackingを用いた運動への介入から紐解く昆虫の適応能力」(2023年度)
東北大学 ビジネス・インキュベーション・プログラム(BIP 育成)「脳卒中患者のデータ駆動型AI歩行診断システムの開発と事業化検証」2021年度
積水化学 自然に学ぶものづくり研究助成プログラム,「柔軟な足のレオロジー的性質から創発される感覚運動協調に学ぶ適応的動歩行制御」(2010年度)
鶴岡市立加茂水族館,”教えて! クラゲのほんと: 世界一のクラゲ水族館が答える100の質問“,もっと知りたい 「ミズクラゲサイボーグ」(2024年10月30日)new!
四津有人,大脇大,舩戸徹郎,“身体性システムとリハビリテーションの科学1 運動制御”,第5章,東京大学出版会(2018年11月19日)
大脇大,石黒章夫,“17章 二足歩行ロボット3.4 受動走行”,ロボット制御学ハンドブック,近代科学社 (2017年12月13日).
2024年3月22日掲載,昆虫やクラゲがロボットの一部となる! 生物サイボーグの開発,河合塾 みらいブック new!
2023年1月19日掲載,【TOHOKU University Researcher in Focus】Vol.021 生きものに学ぶロコモーション
2021年11月11日放送,BSフジ 知りたい! SDGs(第111回),「片まひ患者向け軽量なアシスト装置を開発」
2019年6月3日掲載,朝日新聞(22面),「(科学の扉)鳥・虫ヒント、次世代ロボ 環境変化へっちゃら/宅配や災害現場で応用」
2017年3月31日掲載,日刊工業新聞,「速度に応じて走り方変化 – 4脚ロボ,東北大が開発」
2017年3月30日掲載,日経産業新聞,「ウマのように歩くロボ -東北大 4本の脚,独立し作動」
2017年3月23日掲載,, “Four-Legged Machines are Proto ‘Westworld’ Robots”
2017年3月23日掲載,Electronics Weekly, “Four-leg robot spontaneously trots, canters, then gallops”
2012年8月7日発行,Newton誌32 No. 9(p5)、「柔軟な足で自律歩行を実現」
D. Owaki, M. Austin, S. Ikeda, K. Okuizumi, and K. Nakajima, “Spatiotemporal Pulsatile Floating Pattern Analysis for Cyborg Jellyfish Control”, International Congress on Neuroethology, Berlin, Germany (2024.8.) new!
D. Owaki, V. Dürr, and J. Schmitz,”Motion Hacking –Toward Control of Insect Walking–“, DOI:10.5075/epfl-BIOROB-AMAM2019-33, The 9th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2019), Lausanne, Swiss (2019.8.)
D. Owaki, V. Dürr, and J. Schmitz, “Motion Hacking: A Method for Interference with Neural Control of Walking, Based on External Muscle Stimulation in Stick Insects”, The 13th Göttingen Meeting of the German Neuroscience Society, Göttingen, Germany (2019.3.23.)
D. Owaki, V. Dürr, and J. Schmitz, “Motion Hacking -昆虫の歩行を制御する研究-“,第31回自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料,1A1-2, 大阪 (2019.1.24.)
D. Owaki, V. Dürr, and J. Schmitz, “Motion Hacking: Joint Torque Control Based on External Electrostimulation of Leg Muscles in the Stick Insects”, JSCPB2018, Kobe (2018.11.23.)
D. Owaki, Y. Sugimoto, A. Ishiguro, and H. Aonuma, “Change in Electromyographic Patterns After Leg Amputation in the Cricket”, ICN2018 (2018.7.)
K. Honda, Y. Sekiguchi, D. Owaki, K. Fukushi, N. Hiroi, T. Nozaki, and S. Izumi, “Effects of a plantarflexion assist orthosis on compensatory strategy during gait in patients with hemiparesis”, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) 23th Annual Meeting, (2018).
大脇大,杉本靖博,石黒章夫,青沼仁志,”コオロギの脚切断後の筋電位パターンの変容”,第30回自律分散システム・シンポジウム資料,2A2-4 (2018).
D. Owaki, Y. Sugimoto, A. Ishiguro, and H. Aonuma, “Change in coordinated motor patterns after leg amputation in the cricket”, JSCPB2017, Fukuoka (2017)
関口雄介,大脇大, 本田啓太 ,広井典良 ,福司謙一郎 ,野崎岳夫,出江紳一,弾性調整型股関節装具と足の組み合わせが 脳卒中片麻痺患者の歩行に及ぼす影響,第38回バイオメカニズム学術講演会,別府(大分),(2017).
関口雄介,大脇大,本田啓太,広井典良,福司謙一郎,野崎岳夫,出江紳一, 弾性股関節装具が脳卒中片麻痺患者の歩行パフォーマンスに及ぼす効果について,第33回日本義肢装具学会学術大会,東京,(2017).
S. Suzuki, A. Fukuhara, D. Owaki, T. Kano, A. J. Ijspeert and A. Ishiguro, “A Simple Body-limb Coordination Model that Mimics Primitive Tetrapod Walking”, SICE Annual Conference 2017, pp. 12-14 (2017).
T. Kinugasa, N. Miyamoto, K. Osuka, R. Hayashi, K. Yoshida, D. Owaki, and A. Ishiguro, “Myriapod Robot i-CentiPot via Passive Dynamics -Emergence of Various Locomotions for Foot Movement-” SICE Annual Conference 2017, pp. 7-9 (2017).
大脇大,関口 雄介,本田 啓太,会津直樹,大内田裕,石黒 章夫,出江 伸一,Auditory Footを用いた長期的歩行リハビリがもたらす身体性注意の変容,第11回モータコントロール研究会 採録,中京大学(名古屋),(2017).
S. Suzuki, A. Fukuhara, D. Owaki, T. Kano, A. Ijspeert, and A. Ishiguro, “A Minimal Model for Body-limb Coordination in Quadruped locomotion,” The 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2017), pp.106-107 (2017) .
A. Fukuhara, D. Owaki, T. Kano, and A. Ishiguro, “Gait Transition to Gallop via an Interlimb Coordination Mechanism Based on Tegotae from Body Support and Propulsion,” The 8th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2017), pp.81-82 (2017) .
Y. Sekiguchi, D. Owaki, K. Honda, N. Hiroi, K. Fukushi, T. Nozaki, and S. Izumi, “Effect of a new hip orthosis on unilateral side with various stiffness on gait in healthy control,” Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) 22th Annual Meeting, pp. 76-77 (2017) .
Y. Sekiguchi, T. Muraki, Dai Owaki, K. Honda, and S. Izumi, “Categorizatin of Gait Pattern Based on Ankle and Hip Stiffness during gait in Patients with Hemiparesis due to Stroke,” Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) 22th Annual Meeting, pp. 160-161 (2017) .
A. Yozu, D. Owaki, T. Funato and N. Haga, “Auditory Biofeedback during Walking Reduces Foot Contact Pressure in A Patient with Congenital Insensitivity to Pain”, IEEE 27th 2016 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2016), pp. 1-3 (2016).
D. Owaki, Y. Sekiguchi, K. Honda, A. Ishiguro, S. Izumi, “A Case Study of Long-Term Walking Rehabilitation Using a Prosthesis That Transforms Sensory Modalities for Stroke Patients”, EMBC’16, page not shown (2016).
T. Kano, K. Yasui, D. Owaki, and A. Ishiguro, “Decentralized Control Scheme for Myriapod Locomotion That Exploits Local Force Feedback”, Living Machines 2016, pp. 449-453 (2016).
M. Goda, S. Miyazawa, S. Itayama, D. Owaki, T. Kano, and A. Ishiguro, “Understanding Interlimb Coordination Mechanism of Hexapod Locomotion via “TEGOTAE”-based Control”, Living Machines 2016, pp. 441-448 (2016).
K. Yasui, T. Kano, D. Owaki, A. Ishiguro, “Decentralized Control Scheme for Centipede Locomotion Based on Local Reflexes”, Living Machines 2016, pp. 545-547 (2016).
D. Owaki, S. Horikiri, J. Nishii, A. Ishiguro, “TEGOTAE-based Control of Bipedal Walking, Living Machines 2016, pp. 472-479 (2016).
S. Suzuki, D. Owaki, A. Fukuhara, A. Ishiguro, “Quadruped Gait Transition from Walk to Pace to Rotary Gallop by Exploiting Head Movements”, Living Machines 2016, pp. 532-539 (2016).
A. Fukuhara, D. Owaki, T. Kano, A. Ishiguro, “Leg Stiffness Control Based on “TEGOTAE” for Quadruped Locomotion”, Living Machines 2016, pp. 95-100 (2016).
A. Yozu, D. Owaki, M. Hamada, T. Sasaki, Q. An, T. Funato, and N. Haga, “Quantification of Temporal Parameters for Tripedalism”, The 14th International conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, TuA11-3 (2016).
D. Owaki, Y. Sekiguchi, K. Honda, A. Ishiguro, S. Izumi, “A pilot study of a prosthesis transforming sensory modalities for long-term walking rehabilitation in patients with hemiplegia”, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2016), P54 (2016).
Y. Sekiguchi, D. Owaki, K. Honda, S. Izumi, “Categorization of gait patterns based on kinetic synergy in patients with hemiparesis due to stroke”, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2016), P52 (2016).
A. Yozu, D. Owaki, T. Funato, M. Hamada, T. Sasaki, H. Togo, N. Haga, “Numerical expressions of temporal parameters for hexapedalism”, The 1st International Symposium on Embodied-Brain Systems Science (EmboSS2016), P46 (2016).
Y. Sekiguchi, K. Honda, D. Owaki, S. Izumi, “Characteristics of Kinetic Coordination in Lower Limb during Gait in Patients with Hemiplesis”, Gait and Clinical Movement Analysis Society (GCMAS) 21th Annual Meeting, pp. 291-292 (2016).
D. Owaki, Y. Sekiguchi, A. Ishiguro, and S. Izumi, “Auditory Foot: A Novel Auditory Feedback System Regarding Kinesthesia”, IEEE 26th 2015 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2015), pp. 229-230 (2015). IEEE MHS2015 Best poster award
A. Yozu, T. Funato, D. Owaki and N. Haga, “Development of a Measurement and Real-time Display System for Kinematics and Muscle Synergy of Gait”, IEEE 26th 2015 International Symposium on Micro-Nano Mechatronics and Human Science (MHS2015), pp. 38-39, (2015).
T. Kano, D. Owaki, A. Fukuhara, R. Kobayashi, A. Ishiguro, “New Hypothesis for the Mechanism of Quadruped Gait Transition”, SWARM2015, pp. 275-278 (2015).
K. Yasui, K. Sakai, T. Kano, D. Owaki, A. Ishiguro, “TEGOTAE-based decentralized control mechanism underlying myriapod locomotion”, SWARM2015 workshop, page not shown (2015).
D. Owaki, S. Horikiri, J. Nishii, and A. Ishiguto, “Load-dependent Interlimb Coordination for Bipedal Walking”, ICRA2015 CPG Workshop, page not shown (2015).
D. Owaki, S. Suzuki, and A. Ishiguro, “TEGOTAE-based CPG Control for Quadruped Locomotion”, The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2015), page not shown (2015).
D. Owaki, S. Horikiri, J. Nishii, and A. Ishiguro, “Experimental Verification of Bipedal Walking Control Exploiting Plantar Sensory Feedback”, The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2015), page not shown (2015).
D. Owaki, H. Hauser, and A. Ishiguro, “Implicit Stiffness Control Embedded in Nonlinear Spring Enables Stable and Robust Running”, The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2015), page not shown (2015).
H. Aonuma, M. Goda, S. Kuroda, T. Kano, D. Owaki, and A. Ishiguro, “Cricket switches locomotion patterns from walking to swimming by evaluating reaction forces from the environment”, The 7th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2015), page not shown (2015).
D. Owaki and A. Ishiguro, “CPG-based Control of Bipedal Waling by Exploiting Plantar Sensation”, 17th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR2014), pp. 335-342 (2014). CLAWAR Association Best Technical Paper Award (Highly Commended paper award)
D. Owaki, and A. Ishiguro, “Mechanism of Quadruped Gait Transition”, Dynamic Walking 2014, page not shown (2014).
A. Ishiguro, K. Nakamura, T. Kano, and D. Owaki, “Neural communication vs. physical communication between limbs: Which is essential for hexapod walking?”, Dynamic Walking 2014, page not shown (2014).
T. Kano, D. Owaki, A. Ishiguro, “From Walk to Trot to Bound: Quadruped Gait Transition Induced by Simple Local Force Feedback Mechanism”, The 6th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM2013), page not shown (2013).
D. Owaki, A. Ishiguro, “Nonlinearity in Ankle Elasticity Enhances Robustness on Bipedal Walking”, 2013 International Workshop on Soft Robotics and Morphological Computation, P-9 (2013).
D. Owaki, L. Morikawa, and A. Ishiguro, “Why do quadrupeds exhibits exclusively either trot or pace gaits?”, Dynamic Walking 2013, page not shown (2013).
D. Owaki, and A. Ishiguro, “What is the key to postural stabilization of bipedal walking?”, Dynamic Walking 2013, page not shown (2013).
D. Owaki, L, Morikawa, and A. Ishiguro, “Listen to Body’s Message: Quadruped Robot That Fully Exploits Physical Interaction between Legs”, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp. 1950-1955 (2012). JTCF Novel Technology Paper Award for Amusement Culture Finalist
D. Owaki, H. Fukuda, and A. Ishiguro, “Adaptive Bipedal Walking through Sensory-motor Coordination Yielded from Soft Deformable Feet”, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp. 4257-4263 (2012).
T. Kano, D. Owaki, and A. Ishiguro, “Reconsidering Inter- and Intra-limb Coordination Mechanisms in Quadruped Locomotion”, 2012 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2012), pp. 4257-4263 (2012).
D. Owaki, L. Morikawa, and A. Ishiguro, “Gait Transition of Quadruped Robot without Interlimb Neural Connections”, Dynamic Walking 2012, page not shown (2012).
D. Owaki, H. Fukuda, and A. Ishiguro, “Soft Deformable Feet Yield Sensory-motor Coordination for Adaptive Bipedal Walking”, Dynamic Walking 2012, page not shown (2012).
D. Owaki, T. Kano, A. Tero, M. Akiyama, A. Ishiguro, “Minimalist CPG Model for Inter- and Intra-limb Coordination in Bipedal Locomotion”, Intelligent Autonomous System 12, vol. 194, pp. 493-502 (2012).
D. Owaki, S. Kubo, and A. Ishiguro, “A CPG-based Control of Bipedal Locomotion by Exploiting Deformable Feet”, The 5th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion in Animals and Machines (AMAM2011), pp. 79-80 (2011).
A. Ishiguro, S. Kubo, D. Owaki, “CPG-based Adaptive Control of Bipedal Locomotion by Switching between Oscillatory and Excitatory Regimes”, Dynamic Walking 2011, page not shown (2011).
T. Kano, K. Nagasawa, D. Owaki, A. Tero and A. Ishiguro, “A CPG-based Decentralized Control of a Quadruped Robot Inspired by True Slime Mold”, The 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2010), pp. 4928-4933 (2010).
K. Osuka, A. Ishiguro, X.-Z. Zheng, Y. Sugimoto and D. Owaki, “Dual Structure of Mobiligence -Implicit Control and Explicit Control-”, 2010 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2010), pp. 2407-2412 (2010).
T. Kano, K. Nagasawa, D. Owaki, A. Tero, and A. Ishiguro, “A CPG-based Decentralized Control of a Quadruped Robot Based on Discrepancy Function”, The 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technology for Mobile Robots (CLAWAR2010), pp. 157-164 (2010).
D. Owaki, S. Kubo, S. Yamaguchi, A. Tero, M. Maus, C. Maufroy, A. Seyfarth and A. Ishiguro “A Two-dimensional Passive Dynamic Runner with Upper Body”, The 13th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technology for Mobile Robots (CLAWAR2010), pp. 622-630 (2010).
D. Owaki, M. Koyama, S. Yamaguchi, S. Kubo, and A. Ishiguro, “A Two-dimensional Passive Dynamic Running Biped with Knees”, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2010), pp. 5237-5242 (2010).
D. Owaki, K. Osuka and A. Ishiguro, “Implicit Control Law that Enables Stable Running”, The 3rd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji, pp. 352-356 (2009).
K. Osuka, A. Ishiguro, X.-Z. Zheng, Y. Sugimoto and D. Owaki, “Implicit Control Law: A Common Principle of Mobiligence”, in Proc. of the 3rd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji, pp. 96-101 (2009).
D. Owaki, K. Osuka and A. Ishiguro, “Understanding the Common Principle underlying Passive Dynamic Walking and Running”, The 2009 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2009), pp. 3208-3213 (2009).
D. Owaki, M. Koyama, S. Yamaguchi and A. Ishiguro, “A Two-Dimensional Passive Dynamic Running Biped with Elastic Elements”, Dynamic Walking 2009, CD-ROM (2009).
D. Owaki, K. Osuka and A. Ishiguro, “Gait Transition between Passive Dynamic Walking and Running by Changing the Body Elasticity”, SICE Annual Conference 2008, pp. 2513-2518 (2008). SICE Annual Conference Young Author’s Award, Finalist in the SICE Annual Conference International Award (受賞2件)
A. Ishiguro, M. Koyama, D. Owaki and J. Nishii, “Increasing Stability of Passive Dynamic Walking by Exploiting Hyperextension of Knee Joints”, The 4th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Mechanics, CD-ROM (2008).
D. Owaki, K. Osuka and A. Ishiguro, “Adaptive Gait Transition between Passive Dynamic Walking and Running”, The 4th International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Mechanics, CD-ROM (2008).
D. Owaki, K. Osuka and A. Ishiguro, “On the Embodiment that Enables Passive Dynamic Bipedal Running”, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2008), pp. 341-346 (2008). 2008 IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Japan Chapter Young Award
D. Owaki, K. Osuka and A. Ishiguro, “Stable Passive Dynamic Bipedal Running by Exploiting the Body Dynamics Properties”, The 2nd International Symposium on Mobiligence in Awaji, pp. 259-262 (2007).
D. Owaki, Y. Matsuno and A. Ishiguro, “Efficient and Adaptive Control of Walking Biped by Exploiting a Pulsed-CPG”, 2007 IEEE/ICME International Conference on Complex Medical Engineering (CME2007), pp. 111-115 (2007).
D. Owaki and A. Ishiguro, “Enhancing Self-stability of a Passive Dynamic Runner by Exploiting Nonlinearity in the Leg Elasticity”, SICE-ICASE International Joint Conference 2006 (SICE-ICCAS2006), pp. 4532-4537 (2006).
D. Owaki and A. Ishiguro, “Enhancing Stability of a Passive Dynamic Running Biped by Exploiting a Nonlinear Spring”, 2006 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2006), pp. 4923-4928 (2006).