Our article was published in the journal: PLOS Computational Biology (2024.1.)
2024-01-19 news
Our article was published in the journal: PLOS Computational Biology (2024.1.) Shunsuke Koseki, Mitsuhiro Haya …
Our article was published in the journal: eLife (2023.9.)
2023-09-13 news
Our article was published in the journal: eLife (2023.9.) Dai Owaki, Volker Dürr, Josef Schmitz, A hierarchica …
Our article was published in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (2023.8.)
2023-08-30 news
Our article was published in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics (2023.8.) Ryo Suga …
Our article was published in the journal: Soft Robotics (2023.8)
2023-08-17 news
Our article was published in the journal: Soft Robotics (2023.8) Taku Sugiyama, Kyo Kutsuzawa, Dai Owaki, Mits …
We present 2 ICRA papers!
2023-06-05 news
Wataru Sato, Jun Nishii, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe, and Dai Owaki, Morphological Characteristics That Enable St …
Our review was published in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2021.9.29)
2021-09-29 news
Our review was published in the journal: IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (2021.9.29) …
Our article was published in the journal: Scientific Reports (2021.1.14)
2021-01-14 news
Our article was published in the journal: Scientific Reports (2021.1.14) D. Owaki, H. Aonuma, Y. Sugimoto, A. …
The Young Scientists’ Award, MEXT (2020.4.7.)
令和2年度科学技術分野の文部科学大臣表彰 若手科学者賞 受賞! 「脚式移動動物の制御基盤の解明と実世界応用に関する研究」 …